
[NS Wk 3] Practical - Firewall Layer 3 Configuration

Practical - Firewall Layer 3 Configuration

This write-up is simply a summary of the practical exercises done in Wk3 without the fluff.




  • Configure Ethernet Interfaces with Layer 3 Information
  • Set up virtual router
  • Create security policy
  • Configure Source NAT

Configuring Ethernet Interfaces with Layer 3 Information

  1. On the Firewall GUI, navigate to Network > Interfaces > Ethernet.
  2. For ethernet1/1 interface (connected to Internet), configure the following:
    • Ethernet Interface:
      • Comment: outside interface
      • Interface Type: Layer3
    • Config Tab:
      • Virtual Router: lab-vr
      • Security Zone: outside - allows traffic to flow from the outside to the inside
    • Advanced Tab:
      • Management Profile: ping - allows ping to the interface
  3. For ethernet1/2 interface, configure the following:
    • Ethernet Interface:
      • Comment: inside interface
      • Interface Type: Layer3
    • Config Tab:
      • Virtual Router: lab-vr
      • Security Zone: inside
    • Advanced Tab:
      • Management Profile: ping

Configuring Virtual Router

  1. On the Firewall GUI, navigate to Network > Virtual Routers, and click on lab-vr.
  2. Add a new static route:
    • Name: default-route
    • Destination: - Default route; specifies that all traffic not defined in routing table should be sent through the virtual router to the next hop IP address
    • Next Hop IP Address: - VMware’s default gateway IP
  3. Commit the changes.
  4. To verify, go to client VM (VMnet2) and check for IP address obtained via DHCP (E1/2). ping the firewall’s ethernet1/2 interface IP address. This should work as it is on the same interface.
  5. Client should not be able to ping the firewall’s ethernet1/1 interface IP address as it is on a different interface.

Create Security Policy

  1. On the Firewall GUI, navigate to Policies > Security.
  2. Ensure egress-outside is enabled.
  3. Client should now be able to ping the firewall’s ethernet1/1 interface IP address as now there is a security policy allowing traffic from the inside to the outside.
  4. Client should not be able to access the Internet as there is no NAT policy configured; traffic cannot flow from host to communicate through the host’s ethernet1/1 interface.

Recap: egress-outside policy defines the traffic flow from a source zone/interface to a destination zone/interface.

Configure Source NAT

Refer to Wk3 Notes here for configurations.

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