
[MATT Wk 13] Malicious Documents Analysis

Malicious Documents

Malicious documents are a common vector for malware delivery.

  • Can be in forms of Word, Excel, PDF, etc. that contain malicious macros or scripts
  • Often used in targeted attacks (spear phishing)

Office Documents

Two ways of executing code in Office documents:

  1. VBA Macros
    • Executes on document open or when user clicks OK on a prompt
  2. Embedded Shellcode
    • Executes when the object is loaded
    • Does not require user interaction


Tools like OfficeMalScanner can be used to extract macros from Office documents

OLE (Office 97-2003)

  1. OfficeMalScanner <file> info - Checks if macros can be extracted (saves as .Macros file), and displays OLE structure and other metadata.
  2. strings2 -nh <file>.Macros - Extracts strings from the macros

OOXML (Office 2007+)

  1. OfficeMalScanner <file> inflate - Decompresses MS Office documents and extracts vbaProject.bin (contains macros)
  2. cd C:\Users\MATT2020\AppData\Local\Temp\DecompressedMsOfficeDocument\word - Change directory to where vbaProject.bin is extracted
  3. OfficeMalScanner vbaProject.bin info - Extracts macros from vbaProject.bin
  4. cd VBAPROJECT.BIN-Macros - Change directory to where the extracted macros are
  5. strings2 -nh doc - Extracts strings from the macros
  6. [OPTIONAL] Use SSview to examine earlier versions of the VBA macro.

PDF Documents

PDFs can contain JavaScript/Shellcode that can be used to exploit vulnerabilities in the PDF reader.


  1. pdfid <file> - Checks for malicious indicators in the PDF
    • Malicious indicators: Malicious Indicators
  2. pdf-parser --search /JavaScript <file> - Locates JavaScript object
    • Output may look like (without my comments ofc):
    obj 31 0                 # Indicates onject number within the PDF file, i.e. object 31, generation 0
      Type:                  # Type of object
      Referencing: 32 0 R    # Object 31 references another object
      <<                     # Denotes dictionary object in PDF
         /S /JavaScript      # Key-Value pair - /S action is to execute JavaScript
         /JS 32 0 R          # Key-Value pair - /JS points to object where JavaScript is stored
  3. pdf-parser --object 32 --filter --raw <file> - Extracts JavaScript from object (32 here since it was referenced in the previous step)
  4. Examine the JS file extracted and deobfuscate if necessary
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