
[MATT Wk 4] Assembly Language Pt. 2


Instructions that perform comparisons; based on the result, the program will execute different instructions.
  • Most common conditional instructions: test and cmp
TEST Instruction
Performs bitwise AND operation between two operands without modifying them, i.e. only the status flags (most commonly Zero Flag) are set according to the result. The result is then discarded.
  • Often used to check for NULL values or the presence of a specific bit in a register.
  • If two operands have any bits in common, the Zero Flag is set to 0,
; Example of ZF = 0 
0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1  ; <- input value
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1  ; <- test value
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1  ; <- result: ZF = 0
  • If two operands have no bits in common, the Zero Flag is set to 1.

    ; Example of ZF = 1
    0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0  ; <- input value
    0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1  ; <- test value
    0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  ; <- result: ZF = 1
  • E.g.

    mov eax, 1      ; load 1 into eax
    mov ebx, 2      ; load 2 into ebx 
    test eax, ebx   ; perform bitwise AND operation between eax and ebx
    jz func         ; if ZF = 1, jump to func
    jmp func        ; else, jump to func
CMP Instruction
Performs bitwise SUB operation by subtracting the second operand from the first operand, without modifying the operands. The status flags are set according to the result:
cmp dst, src ZF CF Example
dst = src 1 0 mov al, 5
cmp al, 5
dst > src 0 0 mov al, 6
cmp al, 5
dst < src 0 1 mov al, 4
cmp al, 5


Changing the flow of execution based on the results of the branches of a program. Most common way is through jump instruction.
Jump Instructions
Causes the next instruction executed to be the one specified by the jmp instruction.
  • There is no if statement in assembly language; instead, conditional jumps are used to implement branching.

Specific Flag-Based Jumps

Instruction Description Flags Checked
JZ loc Jump if Zero ZF = 1
JNZ loc Jump if Not Zero ZF = 0
JC loc Jump if Carry CF = 1
JNC loc Jump if No Carry CF = 0
JO loc Jump if Overflow OF = 1
JNO loc Jump if No Overflow OF = 0
JS loc Jump if Sign SF = 1
JNS loc Jump if No Sign SF = 0
JP loc Jump if Parity PF = 1
JNP loc Jump if No Parity PF = 0

The jump occurs if the previous instruction sets the specified flag to the expected value.

Equality-Based Jumps

Instruction Description Conditions Checked
JE loc Jump if Equal leftOp = rightOp
JNE loc Jump if Not Equal leftOp ≠ rightOp
JCXZ loc Jump if CX is Zero (or register between J and Z) CX = 0
JECXZ loc Jump if ECX is Zero ECX = 0

Comparison-Based Jumps

Unsigned Comparison

Instruction Description Conditions Checked
JA loc Jump if Above leftOp > rightOp
JNBE loc Jump if Not Below/Equal leftOp > rightOp
JAE loc Jump if Above/Equal leftOp ≥ rightOp
JNB loc Jump if Not Below leftOp ≥ rightOp
JB loc Jump if Below leftOp < rightOp
JNAE loc Jump if Not Above/Equal leftOp < rightOp
JBE loc Jump if Below/Equal leftOp ≤ rightOp
JNA loc Jump if Not Above leftOp ≤ rightOp

Signed Comparison

Instruction Description Conditions Checked
JG loc Jump if Greater leftOp > rightOp
JNLE loc Jump if Not Less/Equal leftOp > rightOp
JGE loc Jump if Greater/Equal leftOp ≥ rightOp
JNL loc Jump if Not Less leftOp ≥ rightOp
JL loc Jump if Less leftOp < rightOp
JNGE loc Jump if Not Greater/Equal leftOp < rightOp
JLE loc Jump if Less/Equal leftOp ≤ rightOp
JNG loc Jump if Not Greater leftOp ≤ rightOp

Looping using Jumps


      mov eax, 10     ; load 10 into eax, i.e. loop counter
loop: dec eax         ; decrement eax
      cmp eax, 0      ; compare eax with 0
      jnz loop        ; if ZF = 0, jump to loop

Repeat Instructions

  • Used for manipulating data buffers, i.e. processing multi-byte data.
    • Most commonly in array of bytes, but can be single or double words.
  • Registers must be initialized before using repeat instructions.
  • rep is the prefix for repeat instructions.

Registers Used

  • ECX register: Loop variable counter
  • ESI register: Source index register
  • EDI register: Destination index register


Instruction Description Conditions Checked
rep <op> Repeat until ECX = 0 ECX = 0
repe <op> / repz <op> Repeat until ECX = 0 or ZF = 0 ECX = 0 or ZF = 0
repne <op> / repnz <op> Repeat until ECX = 0 or ZF = 1 ECX = 0 or ZF = 1

Other Repeat Instructions

Repeat Instructions

Most common data buffer manipulation instructions are movsx, cmpsx, stosx, and scasx, where x=b, w, or d (byte, word, or double word).
A summary:
movsb: Copies a sequence of bytes, with size defined by ECX
cmpsb: Compares a sequence of bytes to determine if they are equal
stosb: Stores a byte in the destination buffer
scasb: Scans a byte for a single value.

Looping with Repeat Instructions


mov esi, src          ; load source address into esi
mov edi, dest         ; load destination address into edi
mov ecx, byte_count   ; load byte count into ecx
cld                   ; clear direction flag, i.e. increment esi and edi. 
; Alternatively, use `std` to decrement esi and edi.
rep movsb             ; copy byte_count bytes from src to dest

Function Calls

The Stack

A region of memory used to store data temporarily for functions, local variables, and flow control.
  • Push-Pop operations to store and retrieve data from the stack.
  • LIFO (Last In, First Out) data structure.
  • ESP register points to the top of the stack.
  • EBP register is used as a backup for ESP; does not change during function calls. Points to the start of frame.

Push Operation

  • Decrements stack pointer ESP by 4 bytes (32-bit push) and copies value into location pointed by ESP.
  • Stack grows downwards, and the area under ESP is available for use unless overflowed.
  • Syntax:
    • push r/m16 or push r/m32 - Register of memory; i.e. push eax or push [eax]
    • push imm32 - Immediate value; i.e. `push 0x12345678
  • Stack Push Operation

Pop Operation

  • Copies value at stack[ESP] into register/variable, then increments ESP by 2 or 4 bytes, depending on attribute of operand receiving the data.
  • Syntax similar to push operation.


A block of code within a function that performs a specific task.
  • A program would call a function to transfer execution flow control to it.
  • When function completes execution, control is returned to the next program instruction after call.

Function Structure

  1. Prologue: A few lines of code at the start of function to prepare stack and registers for use within function.
  2. Function Body: The main code block that performs the task.
  3. Epilogue: Restores stack and registers to state before the function was called.

Prologue and Epilogue can contain BOF protection code

Interacting with Stack

  1. Arguments placed on stack with push instruction.
  2. Function called using call <memory_location> (starting address of function).
  3. EIP pushed onto stack and set to <memory_location>.
  4. Space allocated on stack for local variables, and EBP is pushed onto stack.
  5. Function executes. After completion, stack is restored using epilogue.
  6. Function returns using ret instruction. Stack adjusted to remove function arguments (unless they’ll be used again).

C vs ASM

  • Malware is often written in C.
  • Main method: int main(int argc, char **argv).
    • argc: Number of arguments passed to program, including program name.
    • argv: Array of arguments passed to program containing command-line arguments.
    • argc and argv determined at runtime.

Main Method

Main Method

Prologue and Epilogue

Refer to slides for the other comparison examples :”)

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